What Is An Alternative Free Method Of Entry

What is Alternative Method of Entry?

What Is An Alternative Free Method Of Entry

In order to participate in a Tournament and be considered a Contestant, you must complete a Valid Method of Entry ("VMOE") prior to the end of a Tournament Period. VMOE consists of either:

  • Paid Entry: Complete a paid annual or monthly subscription to Robnsports.com that is active during the Tournament Period; or
  • Alternative Free Method of Entry (AMOE): Mail a 3x5 notecard to the following address: Robn - Suite 133, 850 E. Spokane Falls Blvd, Spokane, WA 99202

Those who complete AMOE must clearly and legibly write on the notecard the Contestant's:

    • full legal name as it appears on their government-issued ID
    • date of birth
    • phone number
    • a valid email address ("Valid Email");
    • their full residential address; and
    • the following statement: "I wish to participate in the [INSERT NAME OF SPECIFIC WEEKLY TOURNAMENT IN WHICH YOU WISH TO PARTICIPATE]. By submitting this request I declare that I have read, understood and agree to be bound by Robn's Terms of Use, its Privacy Policy and the Tournament Rules."

Robn must 1) physically receive the AMOE submission at the listed mailing address no later than 12 hours before the expiration of the Tournament Period, and 2) Contestants must write on the notecard the exact name of the Tournament, spelled correctly as per that Tournament's official Rules as posted on the Website, in order for the Contestant to be awarded Tournament entry via AMOE.

Illegible handwriting on notecards shall render the attempted AMOE, and the Contestant to which the notecard pertains shall not be entered into the Tournament.

Contestants who complete a free subscription to Robnsports.com shall not be considered to have completed AMOE.

Contestants must complete a new AMOE for each Tournament into which they wish to obtain free entry.

Contestants that successfully complete repeated AMOE shall use the same Entry Code to participate in successive Tournaments, and shall not be granted a new code.

Upon completing each AMOE, Robn shall send to the Contestant's Valid Email no later than 24 hours before the expiration of the Tournament Period a confirmation that they've successfully completed AMOE and will be awarded Entry (pursuant to the requirements for Eligibility being met). Each confirmation will contain the Contestant's dedicated entry code ("Entry Code").

Each Contestant may only complete and be awarded one (1) AMOE and have one (1) Entry per Tournament. Contestants may not complete AMOE for anyone other than themselves. All Tournament participation by a Contestant must be conducted by the same individual who completed AMOE. One person may not participate as multiple Contestants during the Tournament, or have multiple entries under the same name during the Tournament. Any AMOE must be completed from within the state same as listed in the Contestant's registered address.