RobnPod Episode 6: ESPN's David Purdum

We crown Week 1 winners, announce the Tournament's Week 2 games, then talk with the czar of ESPN's betting coverage about NFL integrity rules, athlete abuse on social media, and what the next NFL betting scandal might involve

RobnPod Episode 6: ESPN's David Purdum

We send felicitations to our Week 1 winner, Larry "Illegally Detained In" Moscowitz, our second place finisher Kyle "The Dirty Duck" Rekofke and third-place man Michael "The Peloquin Brief" Peloquin, who took home cash and prizes.

We also recap a few of the most notable moments that stood out in Week 1 and as always reveal the games that will be included in the Week 2 Tournament.

Then, ESPN's David Purdum joins us for a discussion recapping his recent reporting on the NFL's new (and old) policies and procedures to help ensure integrity, steps than emerged amongst a litany of NFL player betting-related suspensions over the past several years.

We cover:

  • Whether not knowing the rules, or not caring about the rules, contributed more to the NFL's many betting-related suspensions
  • What comprises the NFL's newly instituted player education curriculum, and the new tactics intended to make it resonate
  • Why "Integrity" means totally different things to different people, simultaneously, and what the NFL means when it invokes the term
  • The difference between protecting the optics of a product versus protecting the actual "integrity" of that product
  • What element of "integrity" the next big NFL betting scandal is likely to involve

Check it out on Spotify or Apple Music, below.

It Means Everything To Everyone, So It Doesn’t Mean Anything To Anyone
ESPN’s David Purdum joins us for a discussion recapping his recent reporting on the NFL’s new (and old) policies and procedures to help ensure betting integrity